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One of the few selfies you'll ever see of me, done to bring awareness to childhood cancer. |
While I am all for social media (when it's used right), I have never been a big fan of the selfie. I've taken one (really, who hasn't?), but I'm not going to be posting them on a daily basis. I don't need to see your selfie at Starbucks, at the grocery, at Target, pumping your gas or any other mundane task. Needless to say, when I saw the previews for ABC's Selfie, the idea was not overly appealing. When I got the chance to see a sneak-peak of the show though, I thought I'd give it a chance. What I discovered was that I pretty much lost 30 minutes of my life that day.
The show stars Karen Gillan and John Cho. I'll be honest, I'm not really familiar with Karen Gillan so I can't speak to her prior work. John Cho I am more familiar with and typically appreciate his comedic appeal. Truthfully, I don't think that the actors are really the problem in this show. They hit their mark with the characters that they are playing. For me, it was the build-up of the characters themselves that left me dissatisfied.
Gillan plays Eliza, a self-absorbed, narcissistic, social media obsessed sales rep who is in love with her married boss. Right away, she wants you to know just how many friends/followers she has on her Instagram account (263,000 if you were wondering). She also wants it known that she was unattractive in high school, but then she did a major makeover and she's now hot! Her character overall lacks a likability factor throughout the pilot.
Cho plays Henry, Eliza's co-worker who is going to give her a personality makeover. His goal is to make her a more functioning and productive member of society. Good luck to him! His character comes of as arrogant and a bit self-righteous. He reminds her often that he doesn't like her, which we know will inevitably lead to the two falling in love.
The show starts off on a plane with her co-workers where she ultimately makes a fool of herself and is subject to multiple cell phone videos/photos. It seems to jump from scene to scene with little explanation. It wasn't clear if they were coming or going on the plane, and the next scene, they are in the office. Shortly after that, the two characters are at a co-worker's daughter's wedding. It made the show feel choppy and unfocused.
Overall, I think the writers want you to see Eliza as a character that can change and is redeemable. I can see where the plot is going - Eliza is going to become less self-involved while loosening up the stuffy Henry. The problem is, so far she doesn't seem to be a redeemable character because it's so hard to like her throughout the pilot. She comes across at times as not much more than a cyber-bully, making fun of others through hashtags and tweets. Plus, it's hard to comprehend why she's still employed. She's constantly nose-down on her phone, talks in Twitter / text lingo (which at points left me wondering what the heck she even said), and with all her social posting, presents a bad image for the company in general. Not exactly what I'd call a great employee.
There was a moment at the end of the show, where she has an actual conversation with their administrative assistant. The fact that they carried on a normal, human interaction was a revelation to Eliza, with her even commenting on how they'd had a moment. It was apparently a first for her, a sad commentary on her character. That one moment is supposed to make us believe that Eliza can change, but instead it was just the first time she actual seemed like a human and not a self-indulgent pod person.
I guess this is supposed to be a commentary on today's social media obsessed society, but it just feels too in your face. Pop culture references are tossed out and while some did result in a laugh, it generally just felt awkward. Plus, the use of hashtag and text lingo within the dialogue actually seemed a couple of years too late. Not only that, but it was tired and overdone. We get it, people overuse hashtags! I think that's apparent to anyone who saw Jimmy Fallon's #STFU. If you haven't seen that, (do you live under a rock?) watch it, it'll save your the half hour of watching Selfie.
Until next time, Suburban Sarah signing off!